My first baby

Back in 2011 I had a beautiful baby girl.

It was one of the most difficult times of my life.

I remember my 5 month scan I was excited to find out if I was having s girl or boy. When I did I rang my mum.

Me: mum I’ve just had my scan! I know what I’m having!

Mum: what is it?

Me: it’s a girl!

Mum: oh never mind, it’s ok, girls are ok too.

I felt a punch in my stomach. Was it so bad I was having a girl?? Is this how you felt when you had a girl??

I had a horrible pregnancy and when I finally gave birth I found out my baby was born with 2 heart defects. She would go limp and completely blue.

I went to the hospital myself I did everything without any help or support.

My mum had promised me she would come stay when I had my baby to help.

Did she? No. I even had a spare room set up for her. She lived like 10 minutes away but she couldn’t do it. She said she can’t commit to staying for 2 weeks so would come and see me for the day.

She must of come around midday. She got a call from my sister in law asking her to buy ingredients for dinner. She went to buy those ingredients she came back and it was time for her to go home. There was no point in her coming. It was a joke.

Another time she came over with my brother and sister in law and their children, she expected lunch to be made. But how??? I had a sick child I had to do everything myself we were barely managing. I was told that if I can’t cook then it’s best I buy take away food for them.

After a few months money got really tight and I had to go back to work I had no choice. But my mum had promised me she was going to look after my daughter. I called her and told her a month in advance. I asked her how much money she would like and she said whatever you can give.

When the day finally came I was so nervous. I dropped my baby off and went to work. I collected her I did this for 2 and a half days. I then got a phone call from my mum that she was going on holiday with my brother and his family for 2 weeks. I asked if she had known about the holiday when she agreed to look after my child. I was told I was jealous of my brother and his holiday. I wasn’t I was upset as o didn’t have child care on such short notice. I told work I was suffering from stress and got time off when in reality it was because I didn’t have anyone else to look after my daughter.

I gave my mum £50 for looking after my daughter for over 2 days and she looked disappointed. Apparently they were expecting much more. But honestly this was what I could afford and she did say give what u can.

Even when my baby was severely ill in hospital a few years later she was away with my brother again so didn’t see her in hospital. If it was my brothers kids she would have rushed back.

My daughter has just had surgery. Has her grandmother seen her? Nope.

I must be crazy to love a woman like that.

Why has she never cared??? Why???

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