My miscarriage

It was just before my daughters first birthday.

It was November time actually and my niece was having a birthday party.

My brother started taking photos with his camera to send abroad. My husband stepped in and said please don’t take photos of my child. ( we didn’t know who was going to see these photos and we knew we would never see them personally)

My brother took it offensively that we had disrespected him in front of my uncle who was there.

Anyways the next few days you can imagine my mum would ring me and argue and tell me I shouldn’t of done that and I should apologise.

I remember texting him and saying I’m sorry if he felt he was disrespected but it wasn’t my intention.

I found out I was pregnant as I wasn’t feeling very well. It must of been only a few days then I started getting really bad cramps and then I started bleeding.

I went to the hospital where a scan and blood test confirmed I wasn’t pregnant anymore.

I came home in shock and I didn’t even cry I didn’t know what to do.

I rang my mum and tears came flooding out. My mum just replied I didn’t know you were pregnant. I told her it had only been a few days. She didn’t care as my brother was still upset about being disrespected and now he was complaining about my text message and that it wasn’t a real apology. I had just suffered a miscarriage and they wanted to argue!

Days went past and my mum continued arguing with me. My brother sent me a rude message back about how he was treated.

I dealt with my miscarriage alone. A few months later my brother claimed I had made it all up and didn’t even have a miscarriage. Why was he allowed to say nasty things?? Why would my mum always back him and not me??

It was a horrible time in my life but I wanted to celebrate my daughters first birthday.

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