What to do if you are raped, sexually assaulted or harassed abroad

If you follow me on instagram @mrsmomlifegoals or if you have read my blog you will know that I was raped abroad. It’s taken me a long time to come to terms with it and accept it. I don’t want anyone to go through what I have, and if the worst is to happen know there is help.

Yes, it’s difficult and hard and the last thing on your mind is to talk it through or get a medical check etc but it’s for the best.

Hand on heart, it’s all for your well being.

It’s hard to write as I’m sure it is to read but I wish I could have accessed this information somewhere.

This is what should be done immediately, the journey of recovering comes later.

1. Make sure you are as safe as possible. This may mean calling the police, getting help from a hospital and very importantly contacting your countries Embassy. Eg British Embassy if you are from the U.K

2. Make sure you tell someone. Whether it’s a friend, a medical professional or family member. Someone who will listen and help. If like in my case they do not help find someone else and tell them.

3. Suffering from something so traumatic can affect your mental health, and as hard as it is please do not drink alcohol.

4. This is a hard one but very important. I felt dirty, I felt sick and unclean. I took a shower and couldn’t bare to see the sight of my clothes. Even if you feel this way refrain from showering or getting rid of your clothes as vital forensic DNA may be lost if you do.

5.Different cultures and countries have different values on rape and how they deal with it. Speak to your Embassy about the country you are visiting and their stance on rape. And when you are reporting it take someone you trust to go with you.

I hope no one will ever need these tips, but unfortunately we live in a world where this happens.

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