The new body positivity : love yourself

We have always been told certain body features mean beauty whether it’s bikini bridges, thigh gaps, big booties and most commonly being skinny.

Things are changing where there isn’t just one ‘perfect’ body type. Especially now when there’s such a big movement for body positivity.

Some people assume by supporting body positivity we are supporting obesity or an unhealthy life style.In my opinion body positivity isn’t about weight at all. It’s about loving yourself and respecting other people’s bodies and choices. It’s celebrating different body types, there is not right or wrong body type. We are all made differently.

So whether you are thinking twice about posting a selfie because your tummy isn’t flat. Or not sharing a picture because your not as curvy as the next girl. Don’t think twice about it. Love yourself and love your body.

Another persons beauty doesn’t mean you’re body and beauty is any less.

Be proud! ❤️

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