My microdermabrasion journal 3

So I’ve now had 3 sessions of microdermabrasion and it’s going ok.

Secretly I was hoping my skin would just be glowing and looking acne free and scar free but I’m being realistic.

I feel it does look generally better. I do get the odd new spot but microdermabrasion was never being used to cure an underlying condition.

The spots I do get calm down quite quickly, and my older spots are not as red anymore, although still visible to my dismay they are getting better.

My scarring particularly on one side looks better I feel. Probably not as noticeable by others but by me definitely.

My skin always feels quite sore on the day of microdermabrasion and the day after. On the day I don’t use a face wash I just use cool water before bed as I feel I need it to calm it down. The following day I use my face wash and make sure I apply sun cream to avoid further damage to my skin.

So far I’ve had 3 microdermabrasion sessions followed by a face mask and blue light therapy to kill bacteria. But I’m starting to feel the pinch! In addition to the microdermabrasion which costs about £60 a session, the face mask costs an additional £20 and the led therapy another £20. Although I’ve done 3 sessions so far (a week) I don’t think all this is affordable long term. I can’t afford spending £100 a week even though I would love to carry on with the treatments.So, I will consider either only opting for microdermabrasion every week and no face mask and therapy. Or opt to do it all but on a fortnightly basis.If I’m honest though £100 every 2 weeks is still quite hefty for one microdermabrasion and the other treatments. And just the microdermabrasion alone each week would still total to £240 a month.Hmmm it’s a difficult one. I want good skin but the cost is something getting in the way.Once I’ve decided I’ll let you.Here’s how my skin is looking nowadays:

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